Thursday, November 17, 2005

does anyone else spend stupid amounts on magazines????

So at the moment i am at the dreaded point of being inbetween jobs much to my housemates bewilderment. I am one of those people who never seems to stay in a role for very long, i get itchy feet so to speak (in a none athletes foot way). I guess i dont see the point in staying somewhere that isnt me and well finance in some ways is so not me. Yet dispite my lack of money and inturn social life i always have time and pennies to buy a glossy crisp magazine. My friends know of my obsession for trashy gossip and do always read my hand me downs after ive finished, they pretend to be disgusted that i would waste my money on such minipulated rubbish yet they are too transfixed on seeing jade goodeys latest hair style!!!
This addiction started when i was a wee nipper buying smash hits and such like. It changed i remember when a sort of more adult mag came along 'just seventeen'. I at the time was 14 years but felt i was seventeen in my wisdom at least. I had to hide the prized possesion from my mothers eagle eye but would basically live my life by it. Now at 24 years thats ten years on i am now in a rut not only do i buy all the beautiful covers with models gracing the front but have also moved to reading the 60p type magazine that has handy household tips in it. I feel it is becoming a problem.
Last night my housemate knowing of this need to read all rubbish in a magazine form addiction i have gave me a new mag she had been given, one for females with seriously erotic fiction in it. Now there wasnt the usual best dressed in it, but it did give me some ideas as to how to make erotic food something i must admitt has passed me by all these years. So i say yey for this new mag and may it evolve me in a new line of magazines, hopefully not progressing to top shelf but enrich me in other areas that really i probabley need to work on more than how big waist measurement is. So i would like to thank my housemate for this and although it is not mills and boon(groan yes have stooped so low) i will embrace it and try to not buy any more trashy mags.


Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Ah so new to blogging yet feel it is an old friend.
Near my work i have a park which i frequent to have the odd ciggie or three at lunch and it is very lovely, away from the bustle quite enclosed to. I have recently discovered through collegues at work it is a drug rehabilitation centre im sat in hence the odd meeting i had yesterday. I met a guy whom openly confessed his addiction to drugs to me. I did feel it was a bit personnal considering i was reading the cheap as chips mag pick me up however i let him talk nodding in the appropriate places. we said our goodbyes and i left. Now today i cautiously entered the park for fear of being stabbed with a needle or some daftness like that and settled down with again an equally trashy mag and again this bloke appeared. we chatted and i listened about his life, then making my excuses i got up to leave when he said " could i take your number and take you for a drink". I was utterly like dumbfounded i mean he couldnt have asked me at a worser time as last blogg entry will depict, and just audacity of it. I promptly said i may see him tomorrow at lunch and am now cross at myself for not being the feminist i yearn to turn in to.
My friend who works in the evil industry of journalisim waffled on at me today about finding acceptance in ones self and the usual stuff that a person in a 5 year secure relationship says however i disagree with her its not acceptance in myself its faith that the opposite sex werent just put on this earth to breed and annoy everyone they come in to contact with. Having spent the best part of 2 years with a man i now can only regard as a toad but in other aspects the most amazing man i have ever had the privilege of meeting i am stuck as to where to go from here.
True it would be best to have no faith in the male race, to treat them with contempt and be labelled an ice maiden however i am a soft hearted girl who knows that toads can turn in to nicer toads and i am sure this will occur just not in the park near my work!!!!

Monday, November 14, 2005

why is life so annoyingly difficult at times

This blogg had to be set up as the title suggests above. I was unable to find the button to edit on my friends blogg so now have gone through the whole annoyance of setting this up which is so not as great as my friends and she will smuggly point that out to people when she feels fit to probabley after a few beers anyways i wanted really to share knowledge to the female masses as knowledge is power and i find my life really is so chaotic that noting it is the only way i myself keep up.

I found myself on saturday at a friends dinner party with my housemate and also two lads who we went to university with. The dinner was lovely as was the wine and company. As the night went on, the gin and bitter lemons surfaced and i decided that i needed some insight in to the male mind. It was related to a night that had happened previously in the week. I had gone back home to the north and been out for a few drinks with friends all nice. Went back to my mates house and met her housemate who was a real nice lad. Things led to me staying in his room which was a complete surprise. In the morning he attentively put the heating on and then threw the question 'can i take your number..' I was surprised but said of course he went on to add he would then get my email and would ring. I went back to sleep thinking all men arent that bad after all, However we are now 5 days in and no phonecall. So i posed the question to my male friends why?? As a single twentysomething girl i know all the boundaries and rules of one night stands, i know what to expect and as most of you will know what to not expect this was different this was not in the rules of one night stands it baffled me, made me unsteady!!! My male mates told me some life changing news on mens minds and i will share that with you. Apparantly when men take your number they know that psychologically this will make you think what a nice guy, they are redeemed in your eyes against every other idiot male who has done this and previously not called. They too are then safe in the knowledge that although they have no intention of calling they will not be around when you are angry/dismayed/bothered and therefore wont feel bad. Also that isnt the best bit the most amzing part is that usually they take your number in case they are desperate, (yes that was the word used) at another date, whether that be as the ex or girlfriend isnt avaliable they still have options. I was shocked utterly still am. So i felt i needed to enlighten you wonderful,beautiful women that yes men are just as bad as i have always presumed and at no point have they redeemed themselves in eyes. It is a sad fact though now i have this power i will continue to let you in on the highs and lows of my life with suitable advice from my fellas!!!!!